Bandage - Los Angeles Orange County Plastic Surgery


Bandage - Los Angeles Orange County Plastic Surgery
Aging Face - Facelift in Orange County


The process of aging is not only about the wrinkles and lines of your face. Aging also occurs beneath your skin. The signs of aging show at nearly every layer of your facial structure, including your skin, muscles, fat pads, and bone.

As you begin to age, you will see a loss of facial glands, elastin, and collagen. These losses can significantly lessen your skin's moisture, which can result in the development of frown lines, laugh lines, and crow’s feet. Aging also causes discoloration and a rougher skin texture.

Your fat pads are found below the skin’s surface. As you begin to age, they will descend and get thinner. Hollows will often form beneath your eyes. Drooping skin on the face can result in deep lines around your nose and mouth. The accumulation of fat beneath the chin causes a double chin.

With the muscles that lie beneath the fat pads, aging along with the loss of facial fat, coupled with repeated activity and gravity can lead to deep wrinkles in your face.

Finally, your bones are the base for the muscles of your face, your fat pads, and your skin. With aging, you will experience facial bone loss which changes the contour and dimensions of your face.


At CK Plastic Surgery we have several options to combat the signs of facial aging:


Ultherapy is the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck, under the chin and on the eyebrow. Now also FDA-cleared to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolletage.

Ultherapy harnesses the power of ultrasound to transform the brow, chin, neck and chest. Ultrasound, of course, has been used throughout the medical field for more than 50 years—and Ultherapy has been established as effective in clinical studies* and in over a million treatments worldwide.

Thread Lift
SMAS Face Lift
PRP Plasma Lift
Dermal Fillers