

Asian Nose Surgeon Orange County


Rhinoplasty is among the most difficult of all cosmetic surgery procedures because the nose has many intricate moving parts. Poor surgical technique can sometimes lead to long lasting deformity, so it is very important that you do your research to choose the surgeon best suited for your nose. Sometimes, even the most skilled surgeons can get unfavorable results due to the intricate nasal anatomy.

The nose consists of paired nasal bones and two different sets of paired cartilages. The upper-set start below the nasal bones and are called the upper lateral cartilages. The tip is made up of paired cartilages called the lower lateral cartilages. These have three parts, each in a different plane. There is also cartilage and bone in the center of the nose called the septum. Each and every surgical maneuver can alter a number of things, like the intricate workings of a fine timepiece; each change must be made with precision and care. Narrowing the tip cartilages can alter not only the size but the position, angle, strength and how far the tip sticks out from the face. Multiply that times 10 for more major maneuvers in Rhinoplasty and the chances for inexact results are present.


At CK Plastic Surgery we would suggest a Nose Revision procedure to correct any unfavorable previous surgeries.

Nose Revision

Nose surgery is typically a routine yet rewarding procedure. However, on occasion, it can lead to adverse or dissatisfactory outcomes. Functional and/or cosmetic complications may have arisen from a patient’s previous surgery. A successful outcome of revision surgery depends on a clear understanding of the patient’s needs, clinically identifying the problem, and an expert surgeon who can deliver results. Dr. Kim at CK Plastic Surgery has a proven track record of delivering excellent results.

Nose Revision