Kybella - FDA-Approved Injectable Treatment


KYBELLA®, the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that will destroy fat cells at the treatment area that is under the chin, is a great way to improve your profile. Synthetic deoxycholic acid is the active ingredient in KYBELLA®. Deoxycholic acid is a molecule that naturally occurs in your body, aiding the absorption and breakdown of dietary fat. When it is injected into the fat underneath your chin, KYBELLA® destroys those fat cells, which results in a significant reduction of fullness underneath the chin. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they will no longer accumulate or store fat, so any further treatments are not necessary once you have reached your sought-after aesthetic goal.

- If you possess submental fullness
- You believe the condition has you feeling heavier or older than you really are
-- Great for patients who do not wish to have surgery
-- If you are unhappy or feeling self-conscious abpit excess fat underneath your chin (known as submental fullness)


After a KYBELLA® treatment, you may likely experience some bruising, swelling, or some numbness beneath your chin. Inform us in the event that you develop unevenness in your smile, if you experience facial muscle weakness, or have difficulty swallowing. Be sure to inform us as well if you have injection site problems like hair loss, bruising, open sores (ulcers), and/or damage or tissue cell death (also known as necrosis) around your injection site.